Apply For A Free Discovery Call

Complete the form below to apply for a complimentary Healing Discovery Call.

*Spots are limited. This page will be taken down when all spots are filled.

Each month I open up a handful of slots in my calendar for complimentary Healing Discovery Calls with smart, sensitive women who are ready to heal and RESOLVE the roots of their inner conflicts.

If you’re serious about going deep and pulling out the roots keeping you from experiencing inner freedom and joy in the next 90 days, apply for a complimentary Healing Discovery Call today.

During the call, I will pinpoint the core emotional and mental blocks keeping you stuck in inner conflict.

The primary reason for these calls is to determine if there is a fit between your healing needs and my transformational program, Inner Freedom Accelerator™.  If you’re not able to invest – time and finances – into deeply transformative healing at this time, please do not apply for a call.

*Your answers are confidential.  Only I will see them. Xo, Jenn