I’m Jenn. A healer dedicated to helping you resolve your past so you can experience a future you love.

I’m living proof that healing is possible, even against all odds. I’ve overcome my own childhood wounds and built a thriving business dedicated to transforming lives.

Through my YouTube channel, powerful online training programs, personalized 1-1 guided healing journeys, a book packed with strategies for releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs, and a supportive global community, I’m here to help you dig deep and finally resolve your inner conflicts for good.

Here are a few ways I can make a difference for you:

Believe me, getting to where I am today, living a life free of inner conflicts, wasn’t a walk in the park. I’ve been through it all—top therapists, energy workers, shelves full of self-help books, intense spiritual workshops, trauma-based therapy, and more. I’ve left no stone unturned in my pursuit of a life free from inner conflicts. Now, I’m here to offer you my experience and support. Everything I’ve learned and teach today is hard-earned from:

Personally walking the healing path

Sometimes even crawling. Every day. For thirty-three years. That’s more healing than most people do in a lifetime. And there’s no harsher feedback loop than the state of one’s inner world, where it’s either peaceful or a war zone.

Extracting the proven methods of accessing and uprooting the negative emotions hiding in the subconscious

(the same ones feeding your worries, fears, depressions, and insecurities).

Earning my certification as North America’s first Self-Directed Healing Practitioner

under the guidance and tutelage of three powerful Australian healers.

Obsessively researching the psychology of trauma

digging deep to find out how the effects of trauma get stuck in the subconscious…and how to resolve it.

Guiding my smart, sensitive clients through self-directed healing sessions

to resolve the negative emotions and limiting beliefs forming the roots of their pain so they can experience their lives with more ease and joy.

I have a hunch you're here because you feel stuck.

I'm here to help you get unstuck

I really want you to tap into your incredible potential—the version of you that’s free from self-judgment, inner conflicts, and draining emotions that rob you of your energy and joy.

You know, people often ask me:

“Jenn, doesn’t this work weigh you down?”

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a super-feeler. It’s like having this amazing superpower to feel deeply and sense subtle energies.

So, the simple answer is no. This work doesn’t burden me. It ignites me. Each day, I have the privilege of using my superpower to gently guide my clients through their emotional and mental blocks, helping them resolve inner conflicts and experience greater peace, clarity, and joy.

Which brings me to you.

I’m here to guide you on an accelerated path to healing. I know what it’s like to feel trapped in a cycle of chronic discontent, living a life full of unpredictable highs and lows, questioning if it’s even possible to break free from old patterns.

With my free content, book, and signature deep healing program – Inner Freedom Accelerator™ – my purpose is to make a genuine impact. I’m committed to helping you resolve your inner conflicts and unlock a life filled with peace, clarity, and joy.

Whether you’re just starting your healing journey or you’ve been at it a while, I’m here to help you cut through the clutter and fast-track your way to a more joyful life.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I truly hope this is just the beginning of our relationship. If you already know you want to work 1-1 with me, then let’s hop on a Discovery Call and see if we’re a good fit. Otherwise, the best way to stay connected is to become one of my Deep Healing Insiders — just sign up below by entering your name and email.

As a Deep Healing Insider, you’ll get a powerful (and free) training that teaches you how to quickly and easily digest and RESOLVE the negative emotions & limiting beliefs forming the roots of your inner conflicts…

So you can FINALLY experience your true, authentic, joyful self.

Sign up below by entering your name and email…

How To Find Inner Freedom & Authentic Joy

FREE Training Reveals How To Digest And RESOLVE The Negative Emotions & Limiting Beliefs Forming The Roots Of Your Inner Conflicts…

By entering your info, you’ll become an Deep Healing Insider and will receive emails from me, Jenn Lawlor. (Unsubscribe anytime with a click.) You also agree to my Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

My FREE training will show you how to quickly and easily digest and RESOLVE the negative emotions & limiting beliefs forming the roots of your inner conflicts…

So you can FINALLY experience your true, authentic, joyful self.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website. I’m happy we’re connected and excited to get to know you!

Sending you so much love and healing,

Jenn xo