Inner Freedom Accelerator™ Walk-Through


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Check Out Just A Small Handful Of My Client Success Stories From Working With Me In This Program

“When I started working with Jenn, I felt really stuck.”  Working with Jenn was the best decision I have ever made for my health.  The impacts have been tremendous.”

“I was scared of being seen.  Jenn helped me break through the chains of unworthiness which were preventing me from being vulnerable and putting myself out there!  It’s so incredible to feel this confidence and shift in myself…”

“Jenn has such a gentle, healing presence.  She helped me break through to my inner self through all the superficial layers that I had covering it up.  Through our work together, I re-discovered a really important part of myself that I’d been missing…”

“I didn’t know what to expect, but something inside me said, ‘let’s give it a go!’ We got to the root of some deep stuff and things shifted for me in a big way…”

“I have had 38 years of self-help groups, but this was the missing piece.  Jenn is an amazing detective for buried emotions.  Not only does she know how to find them, she knows how to bring them to the surface and actually disperse them.  AND she even recognizes the shining places – the places right now that make me special and unique. It was so so refreshing and freeing.”

“Working with Jenn was the best decision I could have made.  There were so many ‘ah ha’ moments during the session and in the days and weeks that followed.  I feel empowered and free and I can take care of myself.”

I was nervous about accessing my emotions because I didn't know what was going to come up and if I really wanted to feel them! But I'm happy to say I did it and it really wasn't bad at all. I was amazed by how quickly I could feel feelings I didn't even know were there. And it's crazy how feeling them for such a short time really does clear them out. Thank you Jen!! I've been recommending you to everyone I know! —Cynthia

Working with Jenn was the best decision I've ever made. Seriously. She taught me how to love myself and have a conflict-free relationship with myself. I never thought this would be possible after all the therapy and everything I've been through in my life. Thank you, thank you! xo —Steven

I've been on a healing journey for what feels like my whole life. I'd made a lot of progress, but some of the same negative patterns kept coming up again and again. It was really frustrating. When I came across your Youtube videos, something just clicked. I knew I had to work with you. And I'm so glad I did. I feel like a different person now. I'm not down on myself anymore, I'm connected to my truth, and I feel like I can handle anything. —Kathryn

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